Become a Hageman

1. Introduction

This document outlines the commission and compensation structure for Hageman, a sales agent at Hagemot Marketing Ltd. Hageman’s role involves both generating sales and recruiting new team members. This dual role is essential for the growth of our business, and we are committed to rewarding your efforts accordingly.

2. Sales Commission

As a sales agent, you will receive a commission based on the sales you generate for Hagemot Marketing Ltd. The commission percentage will be determined by the type of product or service sold and will be communicated to you upon joining. Here’s how the sales commission process works:

  • For each successful sale, you will earn a percentage of the total sale amount before taxes and deductions.
  • Commission percentages may vary based on factors such as product category, sales volume, and special promotions.
  • Commissions will be calculated and paid out on a regular basis, typically monthly following the completion of the sales.

3. Recruitment Compensation

In addition to your sales efforts, you also have the opportunity to earn compensation by recruiting new team members to Hagemot Marketing Ltd. This recruitment-based compensation structure is designed to incentivize you to help grow our team and expand our reach. Here’s how the recruitment compensation process works:

  • When you recruit a new team member who successfully completes the onboarding process and starts actively contributing to our business, you will earn a recruitment bonus.
  • The recruitment bonus will be a percentage of the new team member’s income, depending on the company’s policies and the specific recruitment offer at the time.
  • To be eligible for the recruitment bonus, the new team member must meet predetermined performance criteria within their initial time period of 30 days after joining.

4. Combined Efforts and Rewards

Your dual role as a sales agent and recruiter is integral to our company’s growth and success. We believe that your combined efforts will contribute to building a stronger team and achieving higher sales figures. By successfully combining sales efforts with effective recruitment, you have the potential to earn commissions from both streams.

5. Tracking and Reporting

Hagemot Marketing Ltd will provide you with accurate tracking and reporting mechanisms to ensure transparency in calculating your commissions and recruitment bonuses. Regular updates on your performance, sales, and recruitment activities will be made available to you.

6. Compliance and Ethical Practices

We emphasize the importance of conducting your sales and recruitment activities ethically and in accordance with our company’s policies. Any unethical or fraudulent behavior may result in commission adjustments or disciplinary action.

7. Modifications

Hagemot Marketing Ltd reserves the right to modify the commission and compensation structure at its discretion. Any changes will be communicated to you in advance to ensure clarity and transparency.

8. Contact

If you have any questions or need clarification about the commission and compensation structure, please contact management or HR Representative on 0500372126.

By continuing to perform your duties as a sales agent and recruiter at Hagemot Marketing Ltd, you acknowledge your understanding and acceptance of this commission and compensation structure.

Hagemot Marketing Ltd
C1, Okpoi Gonno Highway.